Introducing Solids
This can frequently be one of the most difficult things to figure out. Some pediatricians still recommend rice cereal for "colicky babies". Some pediatricians give very few guidelines and there seems to be an endless array of baby foods at the stores. Sometimes growth spurts get confused with the 'need for more substantial food' than breastmilk or formula.
Starting solids before the age of four months can increase the risk of obesity according to a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The latest train of thought by the majority of pediatric studies is to wait until around 6 months. A good sign is your baby. Are they pushing the food out of their mouth? She may not be ready for solids at this time.
There is also a number of new theories out there - Baby Led Weaning? No purees?
You do not need to follow only one idea when it comes to feeding solids - use what works best for you!
One of my favorite websites to recommend to parents is Solid Starts. There is wonderful information about foods to introduce at particular ages, allergies, baby food recipes and videos of infants at different ages trying the food. I have included the link here: